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(Gorodenkoff, 702079621 Shutterstock)

Balancing between optimism and caution

The opportunities and challenges the metalworking industry is facing in 2023
In recent weeks, many companies have been looking to the new year of 2023 with mixed feelings. The coronavirus pandemic, which dominated the past two starts to the year and caused major restrictions, has faded in significance. Even China, which had, until recently, operated the strictest “no covid” strategy, has began

Fully automatic production lines are already standard in automotive engineering. Suppliers now need to catch up. After all, the drive transition will require maximum flexibility. (© Jenson/

Suppliers: Achieving the drive transition with used industrial robots

Switching to electromobility is among the greatest challenges facing automotive suppliers. They currently lack certainty about investments, which are nevertheless necessary. Used automation systems can be purchased in order to minimise expenditure during the transitional phase from conventional to alternative drive systems.
Still a long way to go for climate-neutral vehicles
It will take qui

The EU economy in 2022: Rising energy prices and inflation rate. However, the used machinery market is not so dependent on this. (© Leonid Sorokin /

2022 in retrospect: the used machinery market remains stable

2022 is over. But its impact is far from over: the outbreak of war has further exacerbated the industry's insecurity and already existing problems have been compounded. Despite all the uncertainty, business has been good for some industries, such as the used machinery market: it can benefit from supply chain problems and threatening inflation.
"Zeitenwende" (beginning of a new era) – the year 2

Starke Partner für Gutachten und Industrieversteigerungen: Tom Thomsen, Christoph Partzsch und Holger Haun

Neuer leistungsstarker Partner für HT Hanseatische Industrie-Consult GmbH & Co. KG

Industrieauktionshaus Surplex GmbH erwirbt mehrheitlich Geschäftsanteile an führendem Dienstleister für Gutachten und Industrieversteigerungen

Hamburg / Düsseldorf, 05. Januar 2023. Die HT Hanseatische Industrie-Consult Holger Haun & Tom Thomsen KG mit Sitz in Hamburg hat neue Eigentümer. Die Gesellschafter haben mit Wirkung zum 02. Januar 2023 ihre Geschäftsanteile an das Industrieaukt

Insulating the outer walls increases a building’s energy efficiency. Energy-based renovations to existing buildings form a key part of a climate-neutral Europe. (© Canetti /

No building renovations, no energy transformation

As an old proverb puts it: “Anyone who has money and buys an old house and renovates it is a fool.” But is that really the case? From an ecological standpoint, renovating houses instead of tearing them down and building them anew makes sense. Many construction measures aimed at boosting energy efficiency are promoted and are technically advanced. But the ancillary building trade is suffering from

Industrial robots can also be retrofitted in current machinery. A robot can take charge of placement and workpiece handling for automated production with CNC machines. (© Alexander Tolstykh /

Over to you, robots!

Will robots save production? Five current trends outline how the use of robots can advance digitalisation and prevent a shortage of skilled workers.
“The factory of the future will have only two employees, a man and a dog. The man will be there to feed the dog. The dog will be there to keep the man from touching the equipment.”
Warren G. Bennis, US economist (1925–2014)
Increased installa

Many businesses are currently facing an important decision: Where can energy be saved or where does production need to be stopped?  (© Nuttsue/

Energy crisis in Europe: a balancing act for the industry

The EU’s pioneering role in climate protection matters is not without its disadvantages, with its energy supply hugely dependent on gas. The Ukraine War has resulted in sharply rising gas and electricity prices and while a way out of the crisis is currently being discussed on the political stage, things remain unclear for the industry. A wave of insolvencies currently looms, triggered by rising co

The largest excavators in the world are used in open-cast mining. Because they weigh over 10,000 tonnes, they run on tracks/caterpillars. (© corlaffra /

See you later, excavator!

When was the first excavator invented? And why are they called crawler excavators? What can they do and where are they used? How big is the largest crawler excavator in the world? What will excavators of the future be able to do? A small glimpse into the history of the crawler excavator and why investing in one continues to be worthwhile in hard times.
They are named after what propels them fo

Hauptsitz der Surplex GmbH in Düsseldorf

Surplex 2020: Rückblick nach vorn!

Erfolg durch Verantwortung
2020 geht als tragisches Jahr in die Geschichte ein. Angesichts zahlloser Menschen weltweit, die in der andauernden Corona-Krise ihre Gesundheit eingebüßt oder ihr Leben verloren haben, verbieten sich Jubelarien über positive Geschäftszahlen. Surplex trauert um diese Menschen. Andererseits waren wir als Unternehmen dazu aufgerufen, die wirtschaftlichen Folgen der Pand

Geschäftsführer (Michael Werker, Ghislaine Duijmelings, Ulrich Stalter)

Pressemitteilung: Nobelpreis für die Praxis

Theorie der Auktionsformate: Paul Milgrom und Robert Wilson mit dem Nobelpreis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2020 geehrt. Surplex gratuliert den Preisträgern und wendet die Forschungsergebnisse auf die tägliche Auktionspraxis an.
Kürzlich wurden die beiden Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Paul Milgrom und Robert Wilson vom Stockholmer Nobelkomitee für ihre herausragenden Arbeiten zur Theorie der Aukt

Ghislaine Duijmelings

Auktionsleiterin Ghislaine Duijmelings braucht keine Zeit für sich selbst

Auktionsleiterin Ghislaine Duijmelings braucht keine Zeit für sich selbst
Sie wusste sehr bald, was sie wollte: eine Spitzenposition in einem großen Unternehmen. Wer Ghislaine Duijmelings sagt, sagt Ambitionen. Gleichzeitig aber auch: „Sie ist hart im Geschäft, aber sanft zum Menschen.“
Schon früher wusste Ghislaine Duijmelings: Wenn ich meinen Traum verwirklichen will, darf ich nicht in Hel

Industrieauktionshaus Surplex wird ab sofort von 3er-Team geführt

Industrieauktionshaus Surplex wird ab sofort von 3er-Team geführt

Die international erfahrene Managerin Ghislaine Duijmelings (m.) tritt bei Surplex als dritte Geschäftsführerin an die Seite von Michael Werker (l.) und Ulrich Stalter (r.). Ein starkes Signal für weitere Expansion und zusätzliches Wachstum.

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Used machines for your success

Surplex has been one of Europe’s leading industrial auction houses for 25 years and trades worldwide in used machines and factory equipment. The 18-language auction platform has over 125,000 registered customers. The company is based in Düsseldorf and has offices in many European countries, including Spain, Italy, and CEE. More than 200 provide a full service in 20 languages.
Surplex became part of TBAuctions in August 2024, Europe’s leading multi-brand (Troostwijk Auctions, Klaravik, Auksjonen, PS Auction, British Medical Auctions, Vavato, and Auktionshuset dab), digital auction platform for B2B used goods. The TBAuctions group reach nearly 200 million annual site visits, sell over 1.6 million assets, receiving bids from 750k bidders in 175 countries, generating hammersales of more than €1.6 billion, and employing nearly 1,200 team members.