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Categories: sustainability

Five smart, digital tools create a sustainable, efficient and resilient circular economy of production machinery by efficiently connecting companies with the used machinery market. (© ALICIA Circular Manufacturing Ecosystem).

EU project ALICIA creates circular economy for production lines

Circular economy meets Industry 4.0: How digital tools can shape the future of sustainable production. The EU project ALICIA aims to create a circular economy for production assets to minimise premature scrapping of machines and machine parts. Through the development of innovative digital tools, industrial companies and the used machinery market will be economically linked, allowing assets to

Grüne Innovation: Gebrauchte Industrieanlagen verringern den ökologischen Fußabdruck. (© Quality Stock Arts/

Surplex erreicht das Finale des 17. Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreises

Das internationale Auktionshaus für gebrauchte Industriemaschinen Surplex hat es ins Finale des 17. Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitspreises geschafft. Der renommierte Preis, der am 28. November 2024 in Düsseldorf verliehen wird, zeichnet Vorreiter in Sachen Nachhaltigkeit aus. Mit dem Handel von Gebrauchtmaschinen leistet das Unternehmen einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Kreislaufwirtschaft, indem es die

Global Recycling Day: used machinery in the circular economy

Global Recycling Day: used machinery in the circular economy

On 18 March, Global Recycling Day is celebrated, focusing on utilising waste as a secondary resource for as long as possible. This process is also known as the circular economy. But what does this have to do with machinery? A globally interconnected second-hand machinery market acts as a circular economy for production resources, thereby contributing to a sustainable future.
Initiated by t

The Earth Overshoot Day in industrialised countries is much earlier than in less developed countries. With #PowerOfPossibility, industry can also make its sustainability contribution. (© Thungphoto /

Earth overshoot Day: Over 25,000 tons of CO2 saved through the trade of used machinery

2nd August 2023 is this year’s Earth Overshoot Day. Through the global trade of used machinery on, more than 25,000 tons of CO2 were saved last year, which pushes back the Earth Overshoot Day by more than 11.5 seconds. Because a globally networked market for used machinery acts as a circular economy for production resources and thus contributes to a sustainable future.
The Earth Ove

Whether by drawing on renewable energy sources or used machinery: Business can exploit a variety of options to create more sustainable organisations.  (©D-Krab, Shutterstock)

Earth Day 2023: How the industrial sector can play its part

Earth Day emphasises the importance of climate protection for the whole world. On 22 April of each year. everyone is encouraged to consider their own behaviours and the influence they have on the environment. But natural disasters and their impacts can only be averted with concerted action on several fronts. Especially in the industrial sector
Climate change is one of the most serious glo

Plastic can also do circular economy. The waste is processed, granulated and then reprocessed into new products. (© ImagineStock /

Plastics can also be a circular economy

Plastic products end up in the rubbish after a short period of use. A large part of it is incinerated, which means that valuable material is lost. The circular economy has now also arrived in the plastics industry. Machines for plastics processing can be purchased second-hand. This also contributes to sustainability.
If one wants to maintain or improve people's standard of living and at the sam

When buildings are demolished, a lot of rubble is produced that is recycled to save resources. (© CL-Medien/

From demolition to house: sustainable recycling of construction rubble

Recycling of building materials is becoming increasingly important in times of increasing sustainability. When buildings are demolished, recyclable rubble accumulates. This is crushed, sieved, sorted and processed. Recycled rock can then be reused as a building material. And even the construction machinery used can contribute to a circular economy, as buying and selling used machinery gives i

(KoSSmoSS, Shutterstock,1790109722)

Quiet humming instead of loud hammering: Electric mobility on construction sites

Construction sites are one of the largest sources of carbon dioxide emissions. The machines used in construction also contribute to these “gray emissions”. Many companies are currently switching to electromobility to improve their carbon footprint. Selling their old diesel machines can make it easier to invest in this new drive technology.
The construction industry accounts for almost 8% of g

Insulating the outer walls increases a building’s energy efficiency. Energy-based renovations to existing buildings form a key part of a climate-neutral Europe. (© Canetti /

No building renovations, no energy transformation

As an old proverb puts it: “Anyone who has money and buys an old house and renovates it is a fool.” But is that really the case? From an ecological standpoint, renovating houses instead of tearing them down and building them anew makes sense. Many construction measures aimed at boosting energy efficiency are promoted and are technically advanced. But the ancillary building trade is suffering from

Many businesses are currently facing an important decision: Where can energy be saved or where does production need to be stopped?  (© Nuttsue/

Energy crisis in Europe: a balancing act for the industry

The EU’s pioneering role in climate protection matters is not without its disadvantages, with its energy supply hugely dependent on gas. The Ukraine War has resulted in sharply rising gas and electricity prices and while a way out of the crisis is currently being discussed on the political stage, things remain unclear for the industry. A wave of insolvencies currently looms, triggered by rising co

Used machines for your success

Surplex has been one of Europe’s leading industrial auction houses for over 25 years and trades worldwide in used machines and factory equipment. The company is based in Düsseldorf and has offices in 12 European countries – including DACH, Spain, Italy, France, and CEE. More than 200 employees provide a full service in 20 languages.
Surplex became part of TBAuctions in August 2024, Europe’s leading multi-brand (Troostwijk Auctions, Klaravik, Auksjonen, PS Auction, British Medical Auctions, Vavato, and Auktionshuset dab), digital auction platform for B2B used goods. TBAuctions reaches around 700,000 unique bidders from 170 countries and approximately 46,000 unique sellers. The group employs around 1,200 people in total.