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Categories: ht

An automatic cleaning system enables aircraft rims to be easily and quickly made ready for use. (© HT).

Aircraft Rims – The Unsung Heroes of Takeoff and Landing

Small yet crucial for taking flight, aircraft rims serve an important function in aviation and must be of the highest quality to ensure a safe flight. They undergo demanding production and maintenance processes. However, the machines required for these processes don't necessarily have to be brand new.
Aircraft rims are an essential yet often overlooked component in the aviation industry. They p

Insolvencies mean for the industry that high-quality, newer equipment is available on the used machinery market. They are cheaper than new and immediately available – like this aluminium die-casting cell. It is up for auction at HT until 30/03. (©HT)

HT auctions machinery of insolvent Postel Druckguss GmbH

Postel Druckguss GmbH, a specialist for aluminium and zinc die-casting solutions, has filed for insolvency in 2020 and is being supported by HT Hanseatische Industrie-Consult GmbH. Over 800 machines and operating equipment will be sold in an online auction until 30/03/2023.
Postel Druckguss GmbH is a renowned specialist for die-casting solutions made of aluminium and zinc. The company, bas

Starke Partner für Gutachten und Industrieversteigerungen: Tom Thomsen, Christoph Partzsch und Holger Haun

Neuer leistungsstarker Partner für HT Hanseatische Industrie-Consult GmbH & Co. KG

Industrieauktionshaus Surplex GmbH erwirbt mehrheitlich Geschäftsanteile an führendem Dienstleister für Gutachten und Industrieversteigerungen

Hamburg / Düsseldorf, 05. Januar 2023. Die HT Hanseatische Industrie-Consult Holger Haun & Tom Thomsen KG mit Sitz in Hamburg hat neue Eigentümer. Die Gesellschafter haben mit Wirkung zum 02. Januar 2023 ihre Geschäftsanteile an das Industrieaukt

Used machines for your success

Surplex has been one of Europe’s leading industrial auction houses for over 25 years and trades worldwide in used machines and factory equipment. The company is based in Düsseldorf and has offices in 12 European countries – including DACH, Spain, Italy, France, and CEE. More than 200 employees provide a full service in 20 languages.
Surplex became part of TBAuctions in August 2024, Europe’s leading multi-brand (Troostwijk Auctions, Klaravik, Auksjonen, PS Auction, British Medical Auctions, Vavato, and Auktionshuset dab), digital auction platform for B2B used goods. TBAuctions reaches around 700,000 unique bidders from 170 countries and approximately 46,000 unique sellers. The group employs around 1,200 people in total.